
Dying, Yet Alive

 "It is not death to die, to leave this weary road

and join the saints who dwell on high

who've found their home with God.

It is not death to close the eyes long dimmed by tears

and wake in joy before Your throne

delivered from our fears."

Grandpapa ran from the shelter of the woods and his darling Kareling towards the burning cottage.  He knew his wife of so many years was there and he had to get to her.  The enemy had encircled their home that they had loved and lived in.  It was now a blazing fire.  Would she be hiding, waiting for him?  Would she still be alive or would the enemy had already gotten to her?  He was driven beyond the thought for his own safety and ran as fast as he could toward the glow of the buildings and the love of his life. 

The enemy was in a panic for the Kingdom had been advancing on them for some time now.  So in order to do something they headed north towards the small farm to wreck havoc.  It wasn't much to burn down an old cottage and farm but it made them feel like they were gaining ground nonetheless.  In reality, this small place was neither a grand victory or small defeat.  But the ignorance of the enemy knows no bounds and always thinks highly of itself.  So the victory cries were abundant until . . . . 

She came out of the shadows.  Grandmama had hoped with a little burning the enemy would go away.  But this was not to be.  And frankly, she was quite put out that they had come to pillage and destroy her home.  Grandmama had her sword of long ago.  She and her husband were known as the mighty warriors of the early wars and she wielded it like no other after her.  It felt good in her hands.  It was as if time were forgotten and she was young again.  That she was old was of no question.  She had shimmering white hair and wrinkled skin.  But in this moment, strength enter her body and her sword was light as a feather.  Something extraordinary happened as she moved forward.  With each new step towards what was surely her demise she grew more confident and ready to meet whatever came her way.  Grandmama was not afraid even though there were reasons to be.  Each step became larger and stronger.  Soon she would be upon the enemy and her fate would be sealed.  

Evil laughs at what they think is weak and small.  They underestimate most everything because they think so highly of themselves.  This was to be their undoing.  As grandmama came toward them there was a sense of unbelief.  Then the laughter started as they saw this small old woman come towards them.  Surely this aged woman wasn't going to try and fight them?  What foolishness!  So they sent the weakest link in to take care of her.  They could then go back to their camp and eat.  

"If God is for us, who can be against us?

He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, 

how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?"

~ Romans 8:31-32

The image that grandpapa saw as he was running toward the flames was that of his dear wife of so many years vanquishing each foe that came toward her.  She stood as a warrior queen slaying each and every enemy that came in reach of her sword.  It was like a dance.  The dance of war setting to rights what is wrong.  With each enemy slain the onslaught became more fierce.  Not just one would come forward to fight but eventually by two's and then three's.  Before grandpapa was able to reach her the whole company descended upon grandmama.  Finally, the old man reached his beloved.  He held her and shielded her from the coming onslaught.  In that moment of death for the both of them they became alive.  Their earthly bodies, now cut through with the enemies tools of destruction, started to shine.  Though they had died in their fight against evil they became alive to a new reality.   

The enemy shrank back in fear for the glory of God shone through His servants.  They ran away.  Back to the darkness from whence they had come from.  Back to the emptiness of their pitiful lives.  The enemy did not understand what had just happened.  They didn't want to know.  But they were afraid.  

"It is not death to fling aside this earthly dust

 and rise with strong and noble wing to live among the just.

It is not death to hear the key unlock the door.

That sets us free from mortal years to praise you evermore."

There was gladness and joy for the old man and woman as they relinquished their lives to the Lord that they had loved and served all through the years.  The one glimmer of thought before they moved on was that of their beloved granddaughter.  Even that was just a minor thought as they trusted the Holy One to do what was right and good for her.  And then they escaped into the place that they had longed for all their lives.  Praise be to God.  They were home!

Kareling waited and waited in the tree top.  Each moment she would tell herself that her grandpa was coming.  And each second after that moment realizing it was not to be.  The darkness of night was fading and it was time to flee to the Kingdom.  Looking down she saw the one horse that was her favorite.  It was as if he was waiting for her, knowing that she would need him.  Slowly, she descended from the top of the massive tree.  As she came closer and closer to the mighty horse raised his head and lowered it as if to agree and encourage the young girl.  "Yes, keep coming.  I'm here.  We will fly as the wind to safety."  

Finally, reaching the horse, the  young frightened girl, hugged him with fierceness.  As tears streamed down her cheeks her new friend on four legs kneeled down so that his ride would be able to climb onto his back.  Kareling barely had time to twist her fingers and hands into the horse's mane.  He knew where to go and what to do.  Turning and giving his young charge time to adjust he walked two steps.  The walk turned into a trot and then a gallop.  Sensing that she was up to it he went faster and faster until Kareling couldn't even see as all was a blur.  She closed her eyes and held on.  It was a race to the gates of the Kingdom.

*In the fight for good against evil sometimes good will win.  Other times it looks like evil prevails.  I always have to remind myself that this is my Father's world.  The battle really belongs to the Lord.  We might be victorious in one battle but, then again, we could easily die in another.  The point is this:  It is our privilege to be a soldier for God.  His will is ultimate and our will should always submit to His.  So whether we live or die the glory and outcome belongs to the Savior of the world.  Always look to Him and trust that He holds all things in His hands.  

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.  For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones  or dominions or rulers or authorities -- all things were created through him and for him.  And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together."   ~ Colossians 1:15-17


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