"Some trust in chariots
and some in horses;
but we will remember the name
of the Lord our God."
of the Lord our God."
~ Psalm 20:7
So many years ago we went to a little church in Camas, WA. I remember our worship time being very boisterous and loud. We had guitars, the bass, and drums. We had Leslie playing on the organ that my parents had donated. The pastor would often break one or more of the strings on his guitar. And then my cousin, Jim, would be raising his arms as he led our little group in song. One of those songs was the above verse put to music. I haven't thought of that song for so many years and it's interesting that it has suddenly popped into my head these last few days.
The world has seemed to go crazy. I have never in my life time seen shelves empty at the store or people told that they need to limit how many can gather together (and I'm an old person now, ya'll) and self-isolate. But this is what is happening. Some people are scared and some are being irrational. We, as human beings, seemed to want to blame someone and if we could find that someone there would be a mob lynching.
And yet it is also times like this that we can experience the best of humanity. People helping people and sacrificing their own well being for the sake of others. This is what I look for and this is what I want to be. I don't want to be afraid of something unseen and yet I don't want to do something stupid. When I think about what Christians did in the past I am humbled and a bit embarrassed by my own actions or lack thereof. We have aged parents living next door to us and we don't want to endanger them at all. But there is a nagging thought lingering, "What could or should I be doing in light of whom I profess to believe in?" Do I trust in horses (government) or do I trust in the living God who rules and reigns over all?
The fact of the matter is this ~ the government is fighting over what is the right thing to do themselves. I don't want anyone to die anymore than the next person but really what is the answer. I'm just glad that I don't have to be the one where "the buck stops here" as far a governmental authority goes. I do believe, though, as part of this nation I have a moral obligation to give of myself for the benefit of said nation.
This brings me back to what can I do. Certainly pray. If anything I believe Christians are praying more and more. And this is a good thing. I can self-isolate, Dan can work from home, we have enough food and we can pay our bills. But what of those that can't? What do I say to the mother that if she doesn't work she won't be able to pay her bills much less feed her children? It won't be long before she is out on the street and her problem is so much more than the illness that is affecting the some (and this multiply times how many that live paycheck to paycheck?).
The fact of the matter is this ~ the government is fighting over what is the right thing to do themselves. I don't want anyone to die anymore than the next person but really what is the answer. I'm just glad that I don't have to be the one where "the buck stops here" as far a governmental authority goes. I do believe, though, as part of this nation I have a moral obligation to give of myself for the benefit of said nation.
This brings me back to what can I do. Certainly pray. If anything I believe Christians are praying more and more. And this is a good thing. I can self-isolate, Dan can work from home, we have enough food and we can pay our bills. But what of those that can't? What do I say to the mother that if she doesn't work she won't be able to pay her bills much less feed her children? It won't be long before she is out on the street and her problem is so much more than the illness that is affecting the some (and this multiply times how many that live paycheck to paycheck?).
"For by him all things were created,
in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities --
all things were created through him and for him.
And he is before all things,
and in him all thing hold together."
Colossians 1:16-17
God help us to see beyond ourselves and do what is right even if it has a cost. I think of the doctor and nurses (our daughter is a nurse) who work tirelessly and could become sick themselves. I think of the grocery stores that are staying open and those that work in them so that we can have food. Our daughter Lydia sent me a picture a couple of days ago with a picture of herself in a Walmart vest. She has gone to work where work is had but she is also being a service to the community. My son is in law enforcement and his wife is a 911 dispatcher. I see them running towards the battle and not hiding away. So many more I could comment on that are taking up the arms they can and fighting the battle where they are. It could be that my battle IS staying at home so that I might not infect others if I'm a carrier. If that is the case, what can I do from home to be a benefit to others?
This is my little thought for the day. Remember the name of our God for He holds ALL things together. Don't walk in fear but be bold in serving Him. Encourage each other daily and refuse to be motivated by fear and discouragement. Be strong for we belong to a mighty God who daily gives us what we need to move forward. Take that next step that is put before you knowing that you are not alone. After all, if God can part the sea for the Israelites in the Old Testament what do you suppose He can and will do for you and through you?"
"What is your comfort in life and death?
That I am not my own, but belong body and soul,
in life and death, to my Savior Jesus Christ.
He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood
and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil.
He also watches over me in such a way
that not a hair can fall from my head
without the will of my Father in heaven:
in fact, all things work together for my salvation.
Because I belong to him, Christ,
by His Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life
and wholeheartedly willing and ready
from now on to live for Him."
~ Q and A 1. from the Heidelberg Catechism
Boldy go where He leads you and He will give you the strength you need for this day!
Always look forward to your ramblings! Love you Sister, and take to heart this good word.